“Can anything be done about my hip shape?”
I know this is a weird question but I have always hated the shape of my hips. It seems like every other body part can be changed, can hip shape be changed?
19 Answers
The actual bones cannot be changed, but often patients seek liposuction as a way to achieve their optimal body shape. I highly suggest a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine if this may be an option for you based on your expectations.

Fadi T. Hamadani
Plastic Surgeon
Hello and thank you for your question. You state in your question that you’re unhappy with the shape or contour of your hips and you wonder if anything can be done about it surgically.
There are indeed many options for sculpting this area, both surgical (liposuction and/or autologous fat transfer - this is whereby your own fat is used to fill and contour certain areas) and nonsurgical (Coolsculpt whereby the fat is frozen or Radiofrequency technology whereby the energy delivered breaks down and eliminates stubborn fat pockets).
I would recommend you seek out a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area, preferably someone with lots of body sculpting experience, to get a good assessment and discuss your options.
Good luck.
There are indeed many options for sculpting this area, both surgical (liposuction and/or autologous fat transfer - this is whereby your own fat is used to fill and contour certain areas) and nonsurgical (Coolsculpt whereby the fat is frozen or Radiofrequency technology whereby the energy delivered breaks down and eliminates stubborn fat pockets).
I would recommend you seek out a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area, preferably someone with lots of body sculpting experience, to get a good assessment and discuss your options.
Good luck.
Hip shape can be changed if the issue is fat. If the bone shape is your concern, that cannot be changed.
Dr. moradzadeh
Dr. moradzadeh
Hips' shape is a very common issue. Several surgical options have addressed the issue with buttock implants gaining more popularity nowadays. When properly performed, buttock implants dramatically improve the shape of the hips.
Sometimes hip shape can be changed with liposuction, but this may be limited depending on the underlying shape of the skeleton. Two doctors developped a classification scheme for the shape of the pelvis related to the skeletal anatomy. The Caldwell-Moloy classification <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelvis#Caldwell-Moloy_classification> describes four main categories, and depending on which category describes your specific pelvis shape, there may not be much that can alter the appearance of your hips. A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon could provide more information. Sometimes liposuction or fat transfer can help you alter the appearance of hips. Good luck to you!
Wendell G. Miles, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Wendell G. Miles, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Something can be done about your hip shape if the shape is due to fat rather than bony structure. Your pelvic bones cant be broken and reshaped. However, if there is excess fat, we can reshape with surgical (liposuction) and non-surgical techniques (Coolsculpting). Your first step is a consultation with a board-certified Plastic Surgeon.
It's hard to give you an answer without seeing you. If you have saddle bags then the answer is yes, liposuction can help. But to know for sure you need to be seen in person.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
Hip shape can be altered by a number of surgical techniques. The bone structure of one's hips is hereditary and fixed, but the tissues overlying the hipbones can be changed. The main technique for changing the form us liposuction and/or fat grafting.
It is best not to change the basic architecture of the body; to change the amount of excessive fat in the area is ok, beyond that it is risky and it may be non productive; it could make it worse!
Dr Ting
Dr Ting
Without a photograph it is hard to tell what you are referring to. It is possible that you have a fat bulge that is causing the problem. If it is fat it could be removed, probably by liposuction. You would need to have an consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to find out more.
John Silverton MD FRCS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
John Silverton MD FRCS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Most frequently hip enlargement is due to fat accumulation. The treatment of this is either liposuction or Coolsculpting. Fat freezing is non-invasive and has minimal downtime. Most individuals get a least 20% reduction and the procedure can be repeated. Lipo is more precise and reliable.
William A Stefani MD
William A Stefani MD
Thank you for your question.
In general, yes, hip shape can be changed but much more information or a visit to the office is required to say what actually can be done in your case.
Anthony Papp
In general, yes, hip shape can be changed but much more information or a visit to the office is required to say what actually can be done in your case.
Anthony Papp
Obviously the bony structure cannot be changed. The fullness, excess fatty tissue and bulges can best be treated with the new laser SculpSure by Cynosure. This machine melts 24 percent of fat in the treated areas in 25 minutes while you read your book. It is FDA cleared to permanently remove fat (only machine certified for this by FDA) and can be found readily by going to the company site. It is a game changer for shaping hips!
Liposuction is the most common tool used to change the shape of the hips. This can be done on the side, in front, behind and over the hip areas to sculpt the fat underneath. This is often done in office surgicenter settings and an outpatient experience. Liposuctioning is one of the most common plastic surgical procedures done and usually yields an excellent result. Thighplasties can also be done, but this requires larger incisions, more scars and usually a longer recovery.
Of course. All bone structures are very similar. Therefore, hips are shaped differently because of the composition of soft tissue covering those bones, mainly the fat. Your hips can be reshaped simply with liposuction, which is removal of the fat through suction with large needles called cannulaes.
Of course it can! I do a various things to the hips: I shape them with liposuction/liposculpting, I can reduce them, I can augment them with body implants and/or fat grafting. call us 416-929-9800 or send us an online request. We do offer SKYPE-consultation if you live far away. Dr. D.
Thank you for your question, it is actually one I get asked quite frequently from women who desire a curvier shape.
Body contouring is a great way to achieve a shapelier hip contour. It is a combination of liposuction to reduce areas of fat excess and fat grafting to enlarge areas that are flat, depressed, or too small. It is best you have an in-office consultation to evaluate and determine what procedure would be best to achieve your desired results. You can contact my office for a consultation that works well with your schedule, we look forward to hearing from you.
Body contouring is a great way to achieve a shapelier hip contour. It is a combination of liposuction to reduce areas of fat excess and fat grafting to enlarge areas that are flat, depressed, or too small. It is best you have an in-office consultation to evaluate and determine what procedure would be best to achieve your desired results. You can contact my office for a consultation that works well with your schedule, we look forward to hearing from you.