Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Can appendicitis be cured without surgery?

My son is 9 years old. He was diagnosed with appendicitis. Can appendicitis be cured without surgery ?

6 Answers

No, a surgical procedure is necessary to avoid rupture and complications.
In general, the appendix needs to be removed with a diagnosis of appendicitis. There are cases where the appendix is not immediately removed and it is treated with antibiotics for some time prior to removal. The cases are dependent on several factors and upon the surgeon involved.

I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis - I know as a Pediatrician practicing for over a decade, ANY diagnosis is not the best situation to be in for a mother/parent. Depending on how inflamed his appendix is, surgeons sometimes consider IV fluids and conservative management, but if it's pretty inflamed and is ready to burst (which is absolutely not good for him with all that infected stuff pouring out into his abdomen/belly and causing him more agony/pain), they would want to remove the source of that - the appendix.
I hope this answers your question. Hope he is taken care of well and feels better!
Not really. If the diagnosis is confirmed as appendicitis, surgery is curative. Otherwise, risk of perforation and sepsis, which carry grave prognosis, is more likely.

Dr. O
Yes, the most contemporary approach to pediatric appendicitis does include medical, rather than surgical, management IN SOME CASES. Shared decision-making between parent(s) and physician(s) should be the norm when discussing your child's medical treatments, regardless of the diagnosis. Be sure that all reasonable approaches are considered before deciding on a treatment regimen which, for some cases of appendicitis, could avoid surgery.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP