Dentist Questions Dentist

Can braces cause damage to teeth?

I want to straighten my teeth with braces. Can braces cause damage to teeth?

6 Answers

If braces are done with considerations of standard care and patient
maintains excellent oral hygiene the chances of damage are minimal.
Absolutely!! It is vitally important that you keep up with your home care. I recommend an electric toothbrush as well as a WaterPik!! You must do everything possible to prevent plaque from sticking around your brackets. If plaque sits around too long and is not removed, you can develop demineralization on your teeth which is permanent damage to the enamel. ACT mouth rinse is also a good product to use. Best of luck!
For the most part no. It may cause decalcifications to spot on teeth on rare occasions.
No. Keep in mind, however, that a lot of people cause damage to their teeth
while under treatment with braces. This means that not maintaining one's
teeth clean causes the most damage. Ignoring your hygiene appointments is a
bad idea while doing braces treatment.
Braces generally do not cause damage to teeth. However, if the patient
doesn't keep the teeth clean around the braces, white decalcification spots
may occur. This is not caused by the braces, but it is important to take
extra care of your teeth when you have braces.
If you're under the care of an orthodontist, then braces are very safe for your teeth. Home care is essential as plaque buildup around the braces can cause decay and decalcifications. Also, moving teeth too quickly can cause resorption of roots. But with a competent orthodontist, everything will be fine. I would never suggest doing these do-it-yourself aligners (such as SmileDirect, etc.) -- you could end up doing more harm than good since you are not in direct supervision by an orthodontist.