Dentist Questions Calcium

Can calcium deficiency impact teeth?

My son is lactose intolerant and I have been unable to feed him milk. His teeth as a result are not very strong. Can calcium deficiency impact the health of teeth?

19 Answers

Yes it can. Diet and proper supplementation play a big part in our dental and overall health
Yes, the deficiency of calcium can impact the teeth. The calcium deficiency leads to weak teeth. Calcium is an element that provides support to the bones and also, teeth. So, yes, calcium can help prevent tooth decay, but when it is absorbed by the body in proper quantity, quality, and ratio. Even then, it is not an end-all. Proper dental care is needed to avert tooth decay.

Milk products are not the only products containing calcium. Meat is a very important component of proper diet. Cavities in the teeth are many times caused by soda and sport drinks that are full of acid and sugar, or by the lack of proper oral hygiene. All these aspects should be discussed with your dentist in order to help your son in prevention of decay.
That would depend on the age of your son. If the teeth are still forming, then calcium can affect the development. If the teeth are fully exfoliated and developed, the calcium will have less of an effect. But recognize that milk products are not the only source of calcium and if you are worried about your child’s intake, you should supplement with a multivitamin or other foods!
Calcium is necessary to help form the teeth. If he is calcium deficient, the teeth structure will not form the best way it could. This can leave the teeth more susceptible to decay. I would check for the best type of calcium supplement from his doctor.
No, once the teeth are formed there is no more Ca uptake in the teeth. Any advantages would be surface oriented. There are other ways to get calcium anyway. He should see a dentist .
As I answered in a nearly identical question, this depends on your child's age. Calcium impacts the teeth while they are developing. After they have developed, calcium has little impact. Calcium can be gotten from very many sources, talk to your pediatrician and /or a nutritionist for other sources.
Yes Ca and vit D deficiencies can lead to weakened hard tissues such as teeth. Find other sources of calcium and vit D in supplement form which will be better then nothing at all. Also try to use prevdent enamel repair tooth paste or alternative remin paste to provide topical sources of minerals to his teeth.

Hope this will help
Calcium is an essential bulk mineral. Deficiency affects not only teeth, it can affect bone and nervous system development. The importance of the right calcium balance for the maintenance of health cannot be overestimated.

Yes, calcium deficiency will affect the health of his teeth and bones. Calcium as a necessary mineral that affect the hardness of the teeth. He can get the necessary calcium through many other foods like green leafy vegetables, grains and nuts and beans. Fluoride pills can also be given before his permanent teeth erupt ( I don't know how old your son is) because the Fluoride ions will adhere more to potassium in the bones and teeth making them stronger. The only caveat is that this only happens before the teeth erupt and are in the development phase. The dose has to be controlled because it will fight for the calcium in bones and this can affect bones negatively (unlike enamel which fluoride has a positive affect). It is difficult to know what you mean when you say his teeth are not strong . If he is prone to decay, this will happen with or without a calcium deficiency because decay is completely preventable with proper diet and hygiene (hygiene being the most important). If they are not strong because they are brittle and fracturing then there is possibly another cause (i.e. genetic considerations, grinding and clenching, etc). Hope this helped!
As long as your son is brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste and is drinking tap water with fluoride, than he shouldn't have negative effects of lactose intolerance.
Calcium is very important for your teeth and their "strength". Perhaps speak with your physician so that he can suggest a calcium replacement. As far as the teeth, I would suggest the use of Pronamel or Crest Complete toothpaste to help with remineralization.
You seem like a very loving and concerned parent. It's true, a lack of calcium in the diet means that there is generally less calcium bioavailable (present in your son's body) and unfortunately, this can present as a loss of the mineral density of the hard tissues of the body (like bones and teeth). In the case of the teeth, he is quite fortunate in the fact that CPP-ACP (Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate) exists in the form of chewing gums and tooth mousses that are very inexpensive to purchase and can be used in custom trays which your son can wear overnight or simply apply topically to the teeth. They also come in really funky flavours like tutti-fruitty that makes taking them a relatively pleasant medication experience.
Of course calcium deficiency is not good for the teeth and bones especially during growth and development. Talk to a dietician for alternatives
Most definitely calcium deficiency impacts teeth during tooth formation in infancy and early childhood. Not only do teeth suffer, but so do bones, manifesting as rickets, seen as bent limb bones. Calcium therapy may minimally restore bone structure, but not teeth, once formed cannot be repaired.
No but it can affect the health of the bones which support the teeth. Calcium does not leave the tooth or enter the teeth after forming.
Check with your physician.
Calcium deficiency may show up in several forms it can be dietary or it can be metabolic and caused defects in the developing an animal of the permanent teeth as well as contribute to congenitally missing teeth. Mottled enamel is technically and medically known as enameloGenesis imperfecta and represents defects in the actual anatomy of the teeth sometimes causing weaknesses which require restorative work.
Calcium is important during the formation of teeth. After teeth have fully erupted however, A lack of calcium will have very little effect on the teeth until you are much older, at which point a calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis which can affect the retention of the teeth long term.