“Can chiropractors cause headaches?”
I am a 38 year old female. I wonder if chiropractors can cause headaches?
4 Answers
Typically, Chiropractic Adjustment actually help Headaches. Many times, immediately. The most common adverse effect from a Chiropractic Adjustment is temporary lightheadedness. In my 29 years of practicing, Chiropractic is wonderful even for the worst headaches.
It all depends... 1st off: Headaches are a complex issue... MANY things can be the cause of H/As. 2nd: 90% of H/As originate in the neck and 90% of H/As are stress related. So, at least 90% of the time, a chiropractor is a good place to start. Now, IF you have an underlying issue, (old injury, degeneration/arthritis, herniated disc, etc.), there will undoubtedly be a certain amount of scar tissue/adhesions, (NOT good for normal movement, blood flow, lymphatic drainage, nerve supply, etc.)[perhaps the reason you might go to the chiro in the 1st place, right?] Well, if you do, ANY manipulation, (such as massage, stretching, chiropractic, physical therapy, exercise), can disrupt this abnormal/unhealthy scar tissue, which, in turn, can result in short term inflammation... and BINGO, there's your headache. So, did the therapeutic intervention CAUSE your H/A, or did your body's reaction to therapy cause it? MOST often you just need to keep at it until the body heals to the best of it's ability.