Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can contacts cause an eye infection?

I want to wear contacts. Can contacts cause an eye infection?

6 Answers

Wearing contact lenses can increase the risk of an eye infection but this is reduced by properly caring for the lenses. Here are some recommendations to reduce the risk of infections:
Clean your lenses regularly and replace them when the recommended wearing time has expired
Don't sleep in your lenses
Don't share contact lenses
If your eyes are red, irritated, painful or blurry, remove your lenses and see you eye doctor immediately
If you are overbearing them and not cleaning them properly it is very possible. Try daily wear contacts to limit problems
YES, contact lenses can cause an eye infection, especially for those people that sleep in their contact lenses, wear their lenses too long, those who do not clean and disinfect their lenses properly, those people who do not clean or replace their contact lens cases regularly, or when proper hygiene is not practiced 100%. If you want to wear contact lenses, follow all rules and listen to all instructions provided to you by your eye doctor. Good luck and best wishes.
Yes if there is bacteria on the contacts.
Any foreign body can do that . So always take out your lenses before going to bed and clean them well. Go for daily disposable contact lenses
Yes, especially if you sleep in them.