“Can diabetes be fatal??”
Is diabetes a life threatening disease? I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and I am the first one in my family with the disease. I'm scared of what this could mean for my future.
5 Answers
Life is fatal. However, if one plays it straight, which means keeping track of the dm with monitoring, eating healthfully, exercising, and taking dm controlling medications and staying out of denial, you can live a long and fruitful life (watch the fruits).
Dr Norwood
Dr Norwood
It can cause serious complications, including shortening the life span if untreated. Treatment significantly takes care of reducing the risk for complications and death.
Yes diabetes can be fatal. You did not tell me whether you have Type 1 or 2. Possibility of fatality is different for each of the. Acute fatality is more likely i Type 1 from a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis. I suspect you have type 2 and acute problems are rare. CHRONIC problems do occur in Type 2 from long term poor control of blood glucose. These problems occur because high blood sugar damages the blood vessels & nerves causing blindness, kidney failure, heart & stroke problems, lower limb amputation, etc. So control your blood sugar to prevent these problems (this means you should be testing your blood sugar frequently) & making changes to keep the your blood sugar normal or near normal & you should be fine.