Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can disc hernia pain go away?

I have a disc hernia. Can disc hernia pain go away?

6 Answers

Depending on the severity of the herniation, most disc pain will come and go. However, this herniation will most likely lead to degeneration of the disc which could cause other issues, depending on where the degenerative bone starts to grow.
To clarify, do you mean a disc herniation.? If so, that pain is very real and often requires intervention for relief.
Yes, around 60% of disc pain resolves on its own with exercise and physical therapy. Some need injections or surgery. It all depends on your situation. Disc pain these days sometimes gets confused with vertebrogenic pain that can be treated with an ablation in the vertebral body.
Every person and situation is different. But the short answer is yes. For some people who undergo the right treatment that they need, the pain and disc can heal.
Yes. Pain from a disc herniation can go away. It usually takes up to a year for a disc herniation to heal, but symptoms generally start to lessen after about 3 months if you dont need surgery. Chiropractic and traction or decompression can help decrease symptoms and speed recovery.