Dermatologist Questions

Can genital warts have hair growth from them

Have several of these tan, brownish spots on scrotum more towards Pubic area. Have been told by several doctors it looks like moles or Seborrheic keratosis due to hair growth from them. Just would like another opinion to ease my mind.

Male | 40 years old
Complaint duration: Over a year
Medications: Losoratan
Conditions: High blood pressure and need double hernia surgery

3 Answers

Hello there! Yes it is possible for a genital wart/condyloma acuminatum to grow around the hair shaft. I recommend see a physician that can biopsy, diagnose (and evaluate for possible cancer causing warts) and treat your warts. It can be transmitted sexually so you should inform all partners!
Hi patient I really can't see the pictures clearly but it looks like" KS".I do recommand you go see a doctor if it gets any worse .
I would agree with your doctor. They look like Seborrheic Keratosis and not moles. As you get older you will acquire more. Your mom or dad probably have them too.
Of course to be 100% sure you would have to see a dermatologist. I hope that helps.