“Can hand nerve damage be fixed?”
I have nerve damage in my hand. Can hand nerve damage be fixed?
11 Answers
Simple answer - yes. BUT this is a complicated situation; your doctor, preferably a hand specialist, must be consulted to determine the root cause of nerve damage, and thus determine if there can be a way to correct the problem.
Hand nerve damage can vary in severity, and the potential for repair depends on the extent of the injury. Here are some considerations:
Minor Nerve Damage:
Self-Healing: In some cases, minor nerve damage may improve on its own.
Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist can aid in healing and repairing nerve damage.
Moderate Nerve Damage:
Injections or Minor Surgery: For moderate nerve damage, consult your doctor. Recommended options include injections or minor surgical procedures to promote nerve healing.
Severe Nerve Damage:
Nerve Repair: Severe injuries may require nerve repair. Unlike blood vessels, nerves do not immediately regain function after repair. Nerve repair recreates the tunnel for the nerve, and then the nerve fibers must gradually grow back through that tunnel.
Direct Repair: If a short segment of nerve is sharply injured, direct repair (suturing the two nerve ends together) may be possible.
Nerve Graft: If the nerve is crushed, torn, or invaded by a tumor, direct repair might not be feasible. In such cases, a nerve graft—using nerve tissue from another part of your body or a cadaver—can bridge the gap between the nerve ends. Nerve fibers grow slowly, about one millimeter per day or one inch per month, so patience is essential during the healing process.
Surgical Interventions:
Nerve Decompression: Surgery may involve freeing a compressed nerve from surrounding structures.
Reattaching Cut Nerves: If a nerve is severed, it can be reattached to the other end.
Nerve Grafting: In cases where direct repair is not possible, a nerve graft may be used.
Remember that nerve healing takes time, and the gradual regrowth of nerve fibers is akin to planting a tree. Consult a hand specialist to determine the most suitable approach based on the specific type and severity of your hand nerve damage.
Dr. L
Minor Nerve Damage:
Self-Healing: In some cases, minor nerve damage may improve on its own.
Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist can aid in healing and repairing nerve damage.
Moderate Nerve Damage:
Injections or Minor Surgery: For moderate nerve damage, consult your doctor. Recommended options include injections or minor surgical procedures to promote nerve healing.
Severe Nerve Damage:
Nerve Repair: Severe injuries may require nerve repair. Unlike blood vessels, nerves do not immediately regain function after repair. Nerve repair recreates the tunnel for the nerve, and then the nerve fibers must gradually grow back through that tunnel.
Direct Repair: If a short segment of nerve is sharply injured, direct repair (suturing the two nerve ends together) may be possible.
Nerve Graft: If the nerve is crushed, torn, or invaded by a tumor, direct repair might not be feasible. In such cases, a nerve graft—using nerve tissue from another part of your body or a cadaver—can bridge the gap between the nerve ends. Nerve fibers grow slowly, about one millimeter per day or one inch per month, so patience is essential during the healing process.
Surgical Interventions:
Nerve Decompression: Surgery may involve freeing a compressed nerve from surrounding structures.
Reattaching Cut Nerves: If a nerve is severed, it can be reattached to the other end.
Nerve Grafting: In cases where direct repair is not possible, a nerve graft may be used.
Remember that nerve healing takes time, and the gradual regrowth of nerve fibers is akin to planting a tree. Consult a hand specialist to determine the most suitable approach based on the specific type and severity of your hand nerve damage.
Dr. L
Acupuncture can help repair nerves. Also, Vit B12 helps repair the myelin sheath of the nerves, so that may help speed healing.
I do a lot of work with neuropathy. Assuming you're someone who responds to acupuncture, there is probably some level of improvement that can be made.
How much improvement you might reasonably expect is going to be dependent on how much damage has been done, how long the damage has been present, and what caused the damage in the first place.
How much improvement you might reasonably expect is going to be dependent on how much damage has been done, how long the damage has been present, and what caused the damage in the first place.
Nerve damage is considered irreversible, or a degenerative condition. However, finding the right acupuncturist with experience in treating neuropathy can be very beneficial.
Acupuncture can help nerve damage. You would need regular consistent care with a treatment plan. Reach out to with questions. Dr. Ruth

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
It might work. There are no guarantees in medicine.
Nerves are tricky. Nerve regeneration is a very slow process, there are a lot of different things that can irritate nerves and cause damage. Depending on what is causing the damage/ nerve irritation is important case by case. Short answer, is it is possible to fix it, but not always. Very situational.