Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

ā€œCan obesity be fixed?ā€

My daughter is obese. Can obesity be fixed?

1 Answer

For years, we have said that it is PHYSIOLOGY not WILL POWER. Patients get obese and most have difficulty losing weight. Our experience in 25 years is that most (if not every) patient has a metabolic reason for their obesity. We have identified toxins (especially pesticides like atrazine), hormone imbalance (age related or due to endocrine disruptor toxins), infections (Lyme and EBV are the classics), or an unhealth microbiome (your gut). Working with your doctor, you can unravel this areas. Please go to for more information on how to test (and treat) these issues.
Finally, we finally have a medication (actually a hormone) called Ozempic (Semaglutide) which has had phenomenal success. As your primary care physician if this is the right choice for you.
Finally, remember, it's NOT YOU, it's your BIOLOGY that is lacking power! Get Health Today! Give your Life more Moments!