Physical Therapist Questions Leg Cramps

Can physical therapy help my leg pain?

I have recently started running and because of my weight my legs ache a lot. Do you think I should also go for some physical therapy so as to get my body get better accustomed to the workout?

9 Answers

Hey there, I'd say yes, because a PT can also help to determine proper dosing of exercise based on your current fitness level and also can make recommendations on how to progress.
Yes Physical Therapy can help you to alleviate the leg pain. We have great weight reduction programs and usually we show specific functional therapeutic activities for leg exercise so that you don’t have to experience pain.
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Yes. Physical therapist can check you from feet to head to find any possible dysfunctions and imbalances that could result in problems on the way.
Most of time, this pain is because your muscles get sore or strained. My advice is to go gradually and do a lot of stretching.
You can see a physical therapist to make sure you have the mobility and stability to run. You can also just educate yourself on proper exercise principle and loading principles so that way you can modify your own program. Either way, become educated. Lastly, don't forget to implement strength training/weight training into your program along with dietary changes.

Daniel Prata, PT, DPT, COMT
Try stretching first. If you still have pain, then go for PT.
Yes. You should see a physical therapist