Physical Therapist Questions Diabetes

Can physical therapy help to control diabetes?

Is it possible for one to manage or control diabetes through physical therapy?

7 Answers

Exercise can control diabetes. A physical therapist can help you design a work out program that fits your needs
No. Physical therapy cannot control diabetes. Exercise and diet can help depending on which type.
Short answer is yes depending on your other habits. Exercise is very important as one of the measures to combat diabetes.
Physical Therapy can be a good addition to Diabetes management. Is it a replacement for Diabetes care? No. Diabetes management should be holistic. Management should include diet, exercise, social, and mental just to name a few areas of focus.
Physical therapy is another factor in helping to control your diabetes. But physical therapy alone cannot control your diabetes.
I would say exercise in general will help.
Diabetes is a serious disease and steps to control it should be taken immediately in order to avoid additional complications. A Physical Therapist is well qualified in being able to help you develop and stay consistent with an exercise program, which is an important aspect of controlling diabetes. Physical therapy is also a great option for treating complications that arise from uncontrolled diabetes. However, medications and following a proper diet are also crucial methods for controlling diabetes, so a consultation with your doctor and a dietician/nutritionist should also be on your immediate to do list.