“Can physiotherapy help my husband recover from a one-sided paralysis?”
My husband suffered from a serious stroke that has left his left side paralysed. Although he is now back home, doctors have said he should start physiotherapy to gain his movement back. Can physiotherapy really help him recover from the condition?
10 Answers
Yes, physical therapy can help. The degree of benefit will depend on how the stroke affected him (eg, his perceptual status and degree of weakness), the severity of the stroke, and his willingness and ability to comply with an appropriately focused intervention.
Yes physiotherapy can improve his function tremendously. He may not return to previous levels but it will improve his functionality and independence.
Thank you for asking such a great question!
Yes, yes, and yes! Physiotherapy will stimulate the muscles, nerves, and their connections to the brain. This is crucial in getting your husband's body back to normal. Without proper movement and exercises, he may continue to stay weak, and possibly get worse. Please look for a physiotherapy in your area that can help him. And the sooner, the better.
Thank you for asking such a great question!
Yes, yes, and yes! Physiotherapy will stimulate the muscles, nerves, and their connections to the brain. This is crucial in getting your husband's body back to normal. Without proper movement and exercises, he may continue to stay weak, and possibly get worse. Please look for a physiotherapy in your area that can help him. And the sooner, the better.
Physiotherapy can help him improve his quality of life. Meaning, we may help him recover a certain % of neuromuscular control if you treat him ASAP. However, there is a big chance that he will not recover 100%. The trick is that you find a clinic that specializes in post-stroke rehabilitation to help him recover physically and find ways to adapt his life to make it better for him
Yes, physical therapy will help him. His recovery will depend on the level of injury and the current weakness associated with it.
Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT.
Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT.
Physical therapy will definitely help your husband. In some cases, continue PT for 6 months to a whole year, depending on the severity of each case.
Absolutely!! Stop wasting time online and get him the therapy he needs. His window of recovery gets smaller every day.
Yes, PT and OT can help with the paralysis. The sooner he gets return, the better the prognosis. Patients can have return up to a year post-stroke.
Dr. Debra Molsick, PT, MBA,DPT
Dr. Debra Molsick, PT, MBA,DPT