Acupuncture Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Can sinus infection go away naturally?

I have a sinus infection. Can sinus infection go away naturally?

4 Answers

Sinus infections can be treated with acupuncture and herbs. I recommend 2-3 sessions a week for a couple of weeks to get the best result.
Yes, A natural alternative solution for Sinusitis (Sinus Infection) is Sinus Rinsing or Sinus Irrigation. Best done with an innovative herbal formulation that harnesses the synergistic benefits of CBG/CBD and Xylitol in reducing Sinus Inflammation and also provides anti-microbial protection to delicate nasal mucous membranes. Check out my Patent-Pending Sinus Rinse Formulation Kit at!
This has no simple answer. Yes, sometimes. That said it can lead to worsening conditions like bronchitis. The in faction could spread. There are herbs that will get rid of the infection in most cases. You can also add fresh ginger and fresh garlic to your diet. This can help get rid of infections and in many cases prevent them.
Sometimes sinus infections can be self-limiting (i.e. go away on their own). If you've had the infection for more than 10 days, it's probably not going away without antibiotics.