Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Can stents block up again?

I had a heart stent surgery 4 years ago. I wonder if stents can block up again?

3 Answers

Yes they can but also may stay open for many years.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! Thus, if you have ANY, again ANY, cardiac sx--like chest discomfort, SOB, weakness, faintness, palpitations, exercise intolerance, easy fatiguing, etc.--you MUST see your heart doc right away and have TESTING for coronary ischemia (reduced blood flow to your heart).
Yes, they can is the quick answer. In reality, with the correct medications, close monitoring for “silent” problems with the stent areas, echocardiogram, ekgs, and discussion with your cardiologist regarding any and all things you are doing, etc.
Be well. Stay well and always ask questions to your providers. Thank you.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD