Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can stress and anxiety cause insomnia?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know if stress and anxiety can cause insomnia?

3 Answers

Yes, of course, stress and anxiety can cause insomnia. Meeting with a psychiatrist can help you determine the cause of these symptoms and to develop a treatment plan.
Yes, excess stress and worry can make it harder to both fall and stay asleep.
Absolutely. Stress and anxiety are extremely common causes of insomnia. That said, if your insomnia is moderate or severe, it could cause daytime impairment and problems at work or in relationships. In that case you might want to FIRST consult your primary care doctor to learn sleep hygiene as it applies to your specific life circumstances. If sleep hygiene and natural interventions don't work, ask your doctor about CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) which would help both with sleep and anxiety/stress. Last but not least, some medical conditions might impact sleep therefore a general physical evaluation to rule out any possible health condition of importance is a key aspect to address. Good luck!