“Can stuttering be fixed?”
I am stuttering. Can stuttering be fixed?
4 Answers
Stuttering is not a curable communication disorder. With that said, fluency strategies can reduce episodes and make your stuttering more manageable.
I'm not a doctor of SLP, but I am an SLP and I've spent some quality time working with individuals who stutter in a dysfluency laboratory helping with research and out in the field. My favorite resource for stuttering is Dr. Christopher Constantino. His TEDx talk and his podcasts are uplifting and provocative. They show a neccessary mindset shift about stuttering that the world should experience.
Yes, stuttering can be fixed with speech therapy. It may not completely go away, but the speech language pathologist will provide you with strategies to use to decrease the dyfluency.

Kimberly Baradei
Speech-Language Pathologist
Hi! Thanks for reaching out :) Stuttering can be improved significantly with Speech therapy, but it is not curable. Those who stutter have a small neuro diversity, which is something to embrace :) All the best, Kim