Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgeon

Can the hand ganglion cyst be fixed?

I have a ganglion cyst on my hand. Can the hand ganglion cyst be fixed?

2 Answers

Certainly! Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled lumps that often develop near tendons or joints, including the wrist. Here are the treatment options:

Observation and Self-Care:
Small cysts that don’t cause discomfort may not require active treatment. Regular monitoring is sufficient.
Rest and Immobilization: Wearing a wrist brace or splint can reduce movement at the wrist joint and provide relief.
Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Over-the-counter pain medications can help manage pain associated with larger cysts.
If the cyst causes pain or affects joint movement, aspiration may be recommended.
Procedure: A hand surgeon uses a needle and syringe to drain the fluid from the cyst. Sometimes, a steroid injection is given to help shrink the cyst.
Surgical Excision:
For persistent or large cysts, surgical removal (ganglionectomy) may be necessary.
Procedure: The surgeon removes the cyst and its stalk (if present) to prevent recurrence.
Remember to consult a medical professional to determine the most suitable approach based on the specific characteristics of your ganglion cyst. Early intervention can lead to faster recovery and relief from symptoms.
Dr. L
If the ganglion cyst continues to be a problem and conservative measures, have failed, then consideration for removing the cyst should be given. With that said, the ganglion cyst is not “fixed“ but instead removed. But it is important to remember that a small percentage of these cyst may reoccur. So these things have to be taken into consideration when deciding to have surgery.