Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you eat with a flipper tooth?

I am a 43 year old male. I want to know if you can eat with a flipper tooth?

6 Answers

Yes, food may get deposited underneath, but should be cleaned as soon as possible. Adhesives can also be used with flippers to minimize this, but should also be well cleaned after.
Yes, but it takes getting used to, and finding out what foods will give problems. It does a nice job of letting you know that you don’t want to go through life with one.
Your question is not uncommon. Most people CAN eat when wearing a "flipper," however, it has to be done right. Especially if it is replacing an incisor. The reason is when you're biting the first time, it tends to dislodge the removable flipper, as it applies pressure while trying to cut the food. Many times, you have to use two clasps in the back teeth to secure the flipper.
First, it is important to know the reason for the flipper, which is generally, a temporary solution to fill a space, that may be healing due to an extraction. If that is the case, yes, you can eat with a flipper tooth, however, know that the flipper may become loose as the extraction site heals, and the swelling diminishes, making eating possibly a little more difficult. If the flipper is being used, as a less expensive method of filling space of a missing tooth, you can still eat with it, but because of the limited retention, it may be a little harder to eat with it...depending upon the design of the flipper. Final thought: yes, you can eat with flippers, the amount of retention varies with the design and the reason for the flipper. Also, know that food does get caught around them, which means they can be a little annoying. Know that there are permanent solutions that, although they cost more, are usually well worth it for your comfort.
It depends if the flipper is a back tooth. The answer is yes if it’s secure. If the flipper is an anterior tooth, the answer is no.
If you don't mind breaking it or possibly looking silly