“Can you fix toe bunions without surgery?”
I have toe bunions and want to treat them. Can you fix toe bunions without surgery?
8 Answers
Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
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Bunions are bone deformities and no amount of stretching and bracing will correct the problem. The degree of deformity will dictate the type of procedure and duration of the disability.
Bunions are a structural change to your feet and only surgery can fix the structure. you can however invest in orthotics (shoe inserts) that can help the biomechanics of your feet so that they can function better and slow down the progression of a bunion deformity. Even after surgery, without proper mechanics of the foot or an accurate orthosis- you can risk having recurring bunions.
If toe bunions you mean the big toe, correction can only occur with surgery. You can slow the progression of the bunion with and orthotic, which is an insert in your shoe. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to discuss options
No, you can not fix a bunion without surgery. The bones have shifted positions and the bones require realignment and internal fixation in order to correct the deformity. No splints or other gimmicks will work for this. Orthotics can sometimes slow the progression of the bunion deformity, but it is a structural change in the bones, and surgery is the only thing that will get rid of a bunion.