“Can you get a gum infection after a cleaning?”
I will have a dental cleaning. Can you get a gum infection after a cleaning?
6 Answers
An infection can occur at anytime in any tooth or gingiva (gum), even on the tongue or other parts of the mouth. Usually a cleaning will help heal any low level gingival infections not caused by more serious pathogens, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiencies, and other immunological disorders. Hundreds of thousands of persons of all ages and with various health problems have no problem after getting their teeth cleaned. Another words, it is safer to get your teeth cleaned than not, because a teeth cleaning will most likely help to preserve your dentition and help your gums stay intact.
Sometimes, if there was some underlying gum disease present and you simply get a normal teeth cleaning, rather than the appropriate type of cleaning for your gum disease, it can cause symptoms like increased inflammation or localized abscesses. These areas must be treated appropriately for the type of underlying disease.
You absolutely can develop an infection anytime. After a hygiene visit depending on the condition of your periodontal health, a risk of infection is there. It's always recommended you rinse with warm salt water or an anti-bacterial solution if your gums are tender. It's best to see the dentist to evaluate the mouth if there is a concern.
An infection can happen at any time, but it will not be because of a cleaning. Sometimes your gums can be sore after a cleaning and rinsing with warm salt water can help.