Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can you get an eye infection from wearing someone else's contacts?

I am a 22 year old female. I want to know if you can get an eye infection from wearing someone else's contacts?

5 Answers

You can get an infection and a whole bunch of other not-so-good stuff wearing someone else's contact lenses. You should probably wear someone else's contact lenses as often as you would wear their dirty underwear.
Eye infections can be transmitted through contact lenses or by sharing eye drops.
If the person wearing the contacts had an infection you could catch a infection If person put contacts in contaminated storage and you put them in you could get an infection. Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS
Aside from the stupidity of wearing someone elses contacts (much like sharing lingerie) you are unnecessarily exposing your self to the possible transmission of organisms attached to the lens.
Yes. It is not recommended to wear any other person's contact lenses but your own.