Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can you get braces If you have gingivitis?

I have gingivitis and I want to get braces. Can you get braces If you have gingivitis?

4 Answers

Please get the gingivitis under control. It can get worse with braces
The gingivitis has to be resolved before braces otherwise it becomes high risk.
You can but it is not recommended. Gingivitis means you are not doing a good job cleaning your teeth, most likely due to the lack of flossing. If you floss improperly, the plaque will not be removed from under the gums and the bacteria will cause the gums to get swollen and bleed. Bleeding is a sign to continue flossing (NOT stop flossing) and if you floss correctly every day for 2 weeks, then you can reverse the gingivitis. If you get braces while you have gingivitis, then you will get a lot more swelling, bleeding, sensitivity, and cavities.Best wishes.
Yes, you most likely can wear braces if you have gingivitis. However, you must see a dentist and get the gingivitis resolved before the braces can be placed. Words of wisdom… you must have EXCELLENT home care while wearing braces. If you don’t your teeth may decay, and you will continue to have issues with your gums. Best of luck!!