Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can you get rid of fat under the chin?

I have fat under my chin. Can you get rid of fat under the chin?

3 Answers

There are several modalities to remove the fat under the chin. Liposuction is a procedure, which you remove the fat directly, making a couple little puncture wounds behind the ears and under the chin. Bella is another way of removing fat by injecting a substance that causes the fat to die and regress, and your body absorbs it. Cool is another way of removing fat it freezes it and your body eliminates it. Not everyone is a candidate for all three procedures. The best way to find out is to make a consult appointment and discuss what you want with the plastic surgeon.
Yes, you can do it with liposuction. Still you you have the skin remained. If it shrink, you will have a good result, but you may see it still there because of the sagging skin under your chin may need to be removed too.
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Hi! You can get rid of fat under the chin in several ways, with submental liposuction being one of them. Submental liposuction can be done under local or sedation and has a fairly quick recovery. However, you should consult with a plastic surgeon because fullness of the neck area can sometimes be due to deeper structures in the neck, such as the submandibular glands. In this case, you would benefit more from a deep neck lift. Hope this helps!