“Can you have general anesthesia if you have sleep apnea?”
I have sleep apnea and need to have surgery under general anesthesia. Can you have general anesthesia if you have sleep apnea?
7 Answers
Yes of course. Please do your part in preparing for surgery. Lose weight if needed, get in good cardiovascular and musculoskeletal shape. Build up strength, muscle mass and endurance. Also manage all medical, nutritional, and lifestyle issues. You may be asked to stay overnight or longer depending many factors. The first night or two are the biggest concerns, given the need for pain medicine and potential swelling after the surgical procedure.
Yes you can have general anesthesia if you have sleep apnea. Make sure let your anesthesiologist know about it, and bring your CPAP with you on day of surgery.
Yes, surgery can be done safely. You need to tell your surgeon and the anesthesiologist about your sleep apnea. It would be helpful if you can tell them the operating settings for your CPAP machine if you use one. Knowledge of the set pressure or the maximum pressure on an auto titrating machine will help your doctors take the best possible care of you.
Yes, just alert your anesthesiologist you have sleep apnea and bring your CPAP.
Yes, but make sure to discuss this with the anesthesiologist. Bring your CPAP machine with you and many times they will place you on your machine immediately after surgery to decrease the risk of a breathing problem after surgery.