“Can you live a normal life with a herniated disc?”
I am a 38 year old male and I have a herniated disc. Can you live a normal life with a herniated disc?
3 Answers
Dear Patient, herniated disc are sometimes associated with pain, and patients have a variation of ways that they respond to treatment or no treatment.
Yes, you can! Only has to be aware about the area that is affected and take the precautions that are necessary to protect it and not worsen the condition.
Yes, you can! Only has to be aware about the area that is affected and take the precautions that are necessary to protect it and not worsen the condition.
Well, there are a few ways to answer this. The first question is, how/why do you know that you have a herniated disk? Are you having symptoms, and was this diagnosed by MRI? If this is a formal diagnosis, you must have had symptoms. If another non-medical told you and there are no MRI images, then you do not really know what it is. IF you are having symptoms because the nerve is being pressed on by the disk, the symptoms will get worse and you can suffer permanent nerve damage. I would see a neurologist and follow their advice. Yes, surgery can be scary to think about. If you need surgery, find a surgeon with experience and a good reputation. It is not the only option, but your neurologist can guide you in this matter.