Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can you prevent dental implants from failing?

I will get a dental implant. Can you prevent dental implants from failing?

4 Answers

There are many factors that can lead to success or failure of a dental implant. However, if an implant is properly placed by a provider and successfully integrates into bone, then proper oral hygiene practices and routine cleanings and checkups can significantly improve the long term success of a dental implant.
Hi, Yes you can prevent dental implants from failing. Take proper care of them and follow all recommended maintenance. Brush and floss them every day. Implants have a very high long term success rate.
 Implants fail because of active periodontal disease. You can prevent implants from failing with meticulous home care and seeing your periodontist for cleanings every three to four months.
There are many reasons dental implants fail, whether it be bone quality, smoking, inflammation, infection, etc. The healthier the patient the better the implant outcome. Dental implants are highly predictable and effective, but they fail at times. Good oral hygiene, good diet, and a night guard are the best ways to reduce likelihood of failure.