Psychologist Questions Psychologist

Can you recover from anxiety disorder?

I am a 34 year old female. I want to know if you can recover from anxiety disorder?

9 Answers

Recovery is a relative term in this case, If you are experiencing constant and severe anxiety, counseling and possibly medication could certainly alleviate your symptoms. If you experience a low level of constant anxiety, you most certainly can learn to manage it more effectively. Treatment works very well for anxiety.
Yes, it's very amenable to treatment and self care.
Yes, but you should consider get some treatment with a good psychologist or psychiatrist; anxiety disorders are very treatable with some help.
Yes, but it depends on your therapy, medication, and the seriousness of your anxiety. Your doctor or therapist would be the best person to be more specific with you.
Anxiety disorder is one of the easiest disorder to get treated. You don’t “recover” per day. You learn to manage it and understand it. You also learn skills to avoid it. Go see a therapist.

Dr. Rosana Marzullo-Dove
Yes, indeed.
Certainly, you can. In my view, anxiety isn't a sickness, but it can make you sick. Our bodies don't do well when our mind is feeling threatened for more than a few minutes at a time. Anxiety is usually a looping "stuckness" in which the mind is referencing a prior perceived threat or bad experience and being vigilant, expecting another, getting ready to flee or freeze or fold, and paying little or no attention to either present sensory reality or rational reasoning. The other loop is that when we consistently avoid something our subconscious mind concludes that it is really dangerous and then gives us an emotional response that gets us to avoid it next time. So recovery from anxiety disorder mostly involves clearing prior experiences and stopping the loops. There are specific interventions that are quite effective for getting that done.
I hope this is helpful.
Absolutely! Many times anxiety is brought on by a significant life event. Sometimes it can be a medical issue. But in my practice- I’ve seen individuals recover nicely with therapy (addressing the significant stressor or event) and using cognitive behavioral therapy. In some cases a temporary low dose medication is needed to assist a person through their difficult time - and weaning down or off once coping skills have been learned.
A good synopsis to your question can be found at this link: