“Can you treat alcohol addiction?”
I have an alcohol addiction. Can you treat alcohol addiction?
4 Answers
Yes, alcohol abuse/ addiction can be treated . Healthcare insurance covers treatment for alcohol abuse or dependence. There are several options for treatment. Many factors are involved in designing the treatment protocol. I suggest U discuss with your family doctor who should be able to refer you or treat you. If referred seek a medical doctor that is certified in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry or both. Go on websites ASAM.org and/or AAAP.org and find a member physician of one of those and contact that doctor. Serenity-Courage- Wisdom: Doc Soper
Hello, Its not clear from your response what type of addiction to alcohol you have. Yes alcohol addiction has been shown to respond to therapy and depending on your needs; you can do this with inpatient treatment ( an alcohol treatment program), intensive outpatient therapy ( IOP), and/ or individual treatment. These programs take insurance. I would recommend a 30 program for you to detox, work the program and learn about effects of alcohol. A great first step( if you cant do inpatient program), is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). There are different types of meetings, and wherever you live there are meetings at various times. I hope this is helpful. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Kind Regards Brooke E Hillary ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist Www.drbrookehillary.com HTTPS://doxyme/drbrookehillary