Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Cardiology concern?

I've been having concerns about my heart for a couple of months now. I had covid back in September but it wasn't severe. Ever since I feel like I can constantly feel my heartbeat, my resting heart rate is between 50 and 60 which I find too low since I don't exercise. I'm 145 pounds and 19 years old. When I do little exercise my heart rate increases to 130 and pounds in my chest like it's going to beat out of it. It's pretty unpleasant, but it doesn't have pain other than a little tight feeling. Even just sitting down I can feel it going lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. I did smoke tobacco for a while but stopped a couple of months ago and switched to chewing tobacco. I also smoked weed but stopped because it started making my heart pound. Sometimes my blood pressure when I check it is a little high but not concerning high but drops back down. I don't have a doctor currently but I went to the ER for a panic attack caused by this issue, and from hyperventilating which caused me to feel like I was dying. They did an ECG and blood work which came back normal. So my overall question would be is it a heart problem, lung issues, or just bad health anxiety or anxiety in general? Because I don't really feel pain and my oxygen is good. I just really feel my heartbeat unless I'm distracting myself. I'm scared to even exercise from the hard pounding in my chest. And it's messing up my sleep because I feel like I'm breathing manually when I try to sleep, I have to be super tired to easily fall asleep. I never had these issues until 4 months ago. Sorry for the sloppy questions. But would feel better if I could be reassured that it probably isn't a heart problem and I'm not going to fall out from a heart attack.

Male | 19 years old

3 Answers

It sounds like you have done all the right things to explore root causes. Unfortunately, COVID has left many people with residual, lingering cardiopulmonary irregularities. I would get on a good regimen of heart healthy nutrition and supplements. Continue with light cardio and weight training routines and develop self talk strategies that are less emotionally provoking of fear. Your diagnostics for heart problems indicated you are healthy per your statements here. I would try to avoid reacting to tachycardia incidents by focusing on relaxation breathing techniques. Check back in with cardiologist if needed.
Not my expertise. That said, see a cardiologist after seeing an internal medicine doctor to rule out medical issues before you see an MH professional.
Since you are 19 and had a normal ECG it is unlikely to be a heart problem. Chewing tobacco has nicotine in it and that increases heart rate. You should consider quitting nicotine all together. You would greatly benefit from having a primary care doctor to discuss all of your issues with. Many family doctors will treat anxiety in addition to physical health concerns.