Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Cervical stenosis?

I’m having numbness and pin and needle sensation some dizziness. According to the MRI findings, what is your medical opinion as to treatment? How serious are the findings?

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: Probably 1 year and had recently gotten worse
Medications: Gabapentin and Simponi Aria infusion every 8 wks
Conditions: I have RA

2 Answers

This is a complex situation, and you are clearly being seen by at least one physician. Helping you would require a complex review of your entire chart, imaging, physical exam, and history. I would advise you most strongly that your condition is way beyond anything that 'Dr. Goole' can treat. If you have doubts about your current therapy, seek a second opinion from a real doctor. Not a website, Good luck.
I apologize, but I cannot read the text of your photo. I'd say discuss with your rheumatologist and then possibly go see a neurosurgeon or orthopedic spine surgeon.
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