Dermatologist Questions Eczema

Is Cetaphil helpful in soothing irritated skin due to eczema?

I have been suffering from eczema for a long time and have been on continuous treatment for it. My doctor has now recommended me to use Cetaphil lotion to help in soothing the irritated skin. But, I think I need a second opinion. What do you think?

3 Answers

Cetaphil in its original form has bee around for many years and still is a winner. It was used in the Scholtz regimen for eczema as far back as 1960. It worked then and still works. It is not messy, greasy or tacky and can applied often without making a mess.
Many GPs try to treat without referring to a derm. Go to your local specialist. Specialists have undertaken in-depth training and, hence, are more able to help.