Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Chest X-ray result?

What does cardiac silhouette is marginal in size mean?

Female | 42 years old
Conditions: Covid 19 positive

3 Answers

As a rule, the heart fills about 1/2 the total lung space (cardiothoracic ratio is normally 0.5). Magnification can alter this measurement. It is a rough estimate but if there is a suspicion for an enlarged heart (hypertension, heart failure, etc) an echocardiogram accurately assesses the heart dimensions. Hope that helped!
Almost always, it means your heart may be enlarged. This can also be technical due to the X-ray technique.
Most often, it’s poor X-ray technique and is over call. Can, and I stress can, indicate an enlarged heart chamber or excess pericardial fluid.

Brother, when you raise your shield, so will I. Sister, when you charge at the enemy, so will I. And if death awaits us calling his warriors home, let me go dying by your side because we are family.