“Cold/Flu always took longer to recover”
Since my teenage years every cold I get were always lengthier and the symptoms were getting more severe than when I was a child. This time it took me 10 days to recover from a flu and over a month to recover from dry cough. During the flu my nostrils were being blocked so hard that I couldn't breath through them, and whenever I cough too hard my lung hurts a little. What does this indicate? Should I be worried? Thanks.
Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: None
Conditions: Not that I know of
1 Answer
We all have different immune systems and everyone fight cold or flu in different ways. However, it is possible that you might have some underlying conditions that causes you to have a prolonged recovery from colds. Also, I would highly recommend to do nasal wash with you cold and try Sudafed to help with nasal congestion as well as nasal drops.