Neurologist Questions

Concussion related?

My fiancé and I were in a car wreck where he hit his head on the windshield.
I believe he has a concussion, but am concerned about a few symptoms.
He will fall asleep and be all but impossible to wake up for more than a few seconds. He can go f from awake and active and then fall asleep. He is also very uncoordinated and slurs his words a bit when he wakes.

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Depakote
Conditions: Epileptic, one kidney, concussion, opioid addiction

1 Answer

It sounds like he may be having seizures.  You mentioned he is epileptic, in such patients even when well controlled head trauma can exacerbate seizures. He needs to see his Neurologist right away or go to the Emergency room and be evaluated.  Good luck.  Dr. F. Sent from AOL on Android