Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Constipation for days?

I'm a 75 year old male. I've taken 3 full doses of liquid Ducolax for three days. I worked, for the most part, to remove most of large back up. The last dose was to clean me out and breakdown what felt like a remaining stool. I was on toilet all day with huge urges to push with only a small amount of liquid coming out. I feel like I may have a clump not breaking down. This occured I think from only eating liquid drinks and jello for a week to ease pain of swallowing that developed three weeks ago and I couldn't get into doctors until this April 5th. Ensure, Carnation breakfast, jello.

Male | 75 years old
Complaint duration: 5 day+

1 Answer

You may have a stool impaction. You can try enemas, such as Fleets, to try to clear it out. A large volume enema - performed by a colon cleanse facility - is another option.