Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain

Costochondritis or more serious?

Hi, before I make the trip to see an in person doctor, I would like to have an opinion on if this sounds like costochondritis. I have been having these issues for a week and I believe it may be due to bad posture for years.

1. Lower back pain when laying down.
2. Major sternum pain when laying down, standing sometimes, and sitting.
3. Inflammation of sternum and sometimes lower ribs.
4. Only on the right side.
5. Arm pain (feels like I just worked out but I didn’t- almost like muscle pain)
6. Faster heart rate. Ranges from 60-171 depending on what I’m doing.
7. Only hurts in certain position- lots of pain when leaning forward.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1 Week
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Should definitely see a medical provider considering variable heart rate.