Neurosurgeon Questions Neurologist

Could I have a head injury?

About 3/12 ago I walked into scaffolding, knocked off my feet, difficulty getting up again. I have a large bump on my forehead which eventually resolved with the application of ice. I didn’t go to the hospital, no sickness or confusion. I'm now getting headaches. Could I have some residual issues from this head injury? Do I need a CT scan?

Female | 68 years old
Complaint duration: A few weeks
Medications: Aprovel
Conditions: Hypertension

1 Answer

You could potentially have residual issues, but if you didn't lose consciousness, that's not likely. I frequently tell referring doctors and patients that if you ask yourself if you need an imaging study, the answer is yes, otherwise you're just guessing. What if it's negative? You've purchased peace of mind. If positive, you may get an early jump on 2 cents.
All the best...