Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Covid Vaccine?

My husband has Insulin-dependent diabetes and a pre-existing heart condition, he is determined to get the AstraZeneca vaccine against covid. This is because it's the one that will be available to him the soonest, I'm really not comfortable with this, what do you think?

Male | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 29/03/2021

8 Answers

Any FDA approved vaccine may be used. Be sure to follow CDC recommendations.

Dear Patient,

The Astra vaccine has not been approved yet in the United States. When approved, it will be a positive contribution against Covid. He should get the available vaccines as he has the underlying medical conditions making him susceptible to severe illness. It is also of importance that he keep his diabetic control as perfect as he can.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
Diabetes is a well known risk factor to impact people who contract Covid much more than some other medical conditions. Recommendation is to vaccinate. One of the reasons diabetes was one of the secondary conditions that prompted patients to become eligible for vaccine earlier.
Get whatever vaccine that is available as soon as possible. All are great. Don’t wait.
There is nothing wrong with the vaccine that is equivalent as far as significant disease with all the other vaccines. With his conditions, he is at extreme risk for severe disease and/or death. I will get whatever vaccine is available as soon as possible.
Thanks for the question. The Astra-Zeneca vaccine is approved for release in Europe, but not in the United States. A very small percentage of recipients developed disseminated clotting with no other underlying explanation. I would personally recommend the other vaccines, but that is strictly a personal preference. So far, they have been safe, but no one knows if there would be any long term effects of any of the vaccines.
I favor being vaccinated with the first you can get. Any idea he might need to wait for one of the others? If more than a month, take the first one, they all appear to be highly effective in preventing serious consequences.

G. Dickinson
With diabetes and heart disease he is at high risk for severe disease if infected. I absolutely agree with getting the COVID vaccine. Any of the three currently available vaccines will help reduce risk of INFECTION and SEVERITY of disease.