Ophthalmologist Questions

Dark spot in vision

More than 24 hours ago I started having a dark spot in my vision of left eye.
No other symptoms, not a floater.
I have seen an eye doctor and all tests were normal.

Male | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Apixaban, paracetamol
Conditions: Ulcerative colitis, arm dvt

2 Answers

If the dark spot moves in the vision that's typical for a "floater" although some "floaters" (aggregations of protein in the vitreous gel inside the eye) can be fairly stationary as well. To test for a "dark spot", a dilated examination of the eye is helpful, and if that were normal, then assessing vision with a "visual field" which checks central and some peripheral vision in a special testing machine, can also be useful. With a central "dark spot", using a test to assess the central 10 degrees of visual field (such as a Humprey 10-2 field analysis) can be useful. There is not one typical diagnosis that is causative-
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