Cardiologist Questions

Death by Amidorane

my mother was admitted to hospital ICU with pneumonia. She went into afib and was treated with Amidorane , within minutes my mother felt very unwell after receiving the IV dose . She started having severe chest pain , shortness of breath which she was given medication for which helped somewhat . The next thing we knew the doctor told us her kidneys were not working well . She was treated and it improved but she was feeling more and more unwell. Then the doctor said she was having internal bleeding and was given 2 blood transfusions . My mother was upset with the doctor who took her off her regular heart meds and out her on Amidorane. My mothers pneumonia was resolved but she was getting sicker and eventually died a very undignified and horrible death. Have you heard of a case like this before ?

Female | 95 years old

1 Answer

I have never seen this with IV or oral amiodarone. Your mothers unfortunate death was not result of the single IV amiodarone dosage