Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Decipher surgical notes; metal implant material?

I had upper jaw surgery in 1993 in Detroit, MI. My upper jaw was relocated forward and secured with metal plates and screws as permanent implants. I am trying to determine what metal was used for those plates and screws. The surgical notes either don't say or it is medical jargon that I don't understand.

I am looking for someone who 1) can decipher the jargon if applicable or 2) might know what type of metal was used for oral & maxillofacial surgery back in 1993 (in Detroit, MI if region-specific). Thank you in advance

2 Answers

I would ask an (older) oral surgeon your question. They were using Vitallium and stainless steel back then, which corrode over time, and were switching to titanium, which corrodes slower, and is more biocompatible. It’s an answer that’s important, especially for MRI machines.
Depending on the surgeon, either surgical grade stainless steel or titanium is the metal used for your plates and screws. Both metals were in wide use.
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