Dietitian-Nutritionist Questions Dietitian-Nutritionist

Dehydration concerns?

I've had food poisoning since sat. Can drink fluids. Pee still orange. Do I need to see a doctor since it's the 3rd day?

Male | 41 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Conditions: Food poisoning

3 Answers

"Food poisoning" classically is caused by ingestion of food that is contaminated by staph aureus bacteria, lasting seldom beyond 24 hours. Viral gastroenteritis lasts 1-3 days mostly, and bacterial gastroenteritis can last days and weeks. Bacterial gastroenteritis is often associated with fever, bloody stools, and ingestion of food contaminated by E. coli, yersinia, or campylobacter salmonela.
If you are improving day to day and not getting dehydrated, then it's okay to wait it out. Symptoms from food poisoning can last several days or more than a week in bad cases. Irritable bowel often explains why diarrhea persists even though the infection ended long ago.