Dental Hygienist Questions Dental Hygienist

Dental cleaning?

I just recently had a deep cleaning done, I have receding gums at the bottom front. Today I noticed my bottom gum hurts when moving around my mouth, and it's kinda white at the bottom under the gun, could it be an infection?

Female | 45 years old

4 Answers

You should return to your dentist for him/her to see it.
Just having a deep cleaning can cause the gums to be sore for a couple of weeks. It is difficult to clean biofilm and calculus off the roots under the gums and it can cause soreness...especially if the teeth haven't had a thorough cleaning in a while. Think about cleaning dried egg yolk off a plate after it's been on the plate a couple of days.

It is not uncommon to have a little gum sore after a deep cleaning procedure, especially when you have gum recession since your root is exposed. If you believe you have a gum re-infection, please contact your doctor.
This is probably not an infection. Your gum is probably inflamed due to the trauma of the cleaning. Warm salt water rinses will help your gums to feel better. Use 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 12 oz of water.