Dentist Questions

Dental implant

I recently had dental implants for dentures last night one of the implanted post came out. have contacted my dentist office but it is closed until monday what should I do in the meantime other than continue to gaggle with salt water?

Male | 81 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Conditions: good

4 Answers

Keep post in a safe place
Return to treating Dentist ASAP before gum overgrows neccessitating surgical uncovering
Keep the implant part that came out to bring to your dentist as soon as you couldThere is nothing that you can do yourself you need to see a dentist Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Hello, Keep the area clean, brush your teeth well, and avoid eating hard things like chips. Rinse your mouth after eating to prevent the food from getting coughed up in the implant area. Many offices are closed until the 2nd of January due to the holidays.
Should not have an issue waiting until next week. Theres no risk of pain or infection