Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions

Diabetes and constipation

I have diabetes. I do not eat sugar. I do eat properly. Question, after I do eat I get constipated and can not go to the bath room to move my bowles.i am on metformin. What causes this ??? And what should I do about this it was not like this before I was on metformin..

Female | 69 years old
Complaint duration: 30 days 3 mo 022
Medications: On metforman
Conditions: Diabetes and constipation

3 Answers

The most common side effects of metformin include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and occasionally, vomiting. While not everyone experiences these symptoms, they are more likely to occur when starting the medication or with higher doses. To minimize these side effects, healthcare providers often recommend starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it over time. Additionally, taking metformin with meals can help reduce GI discomfort for many individuals, allowing them to effectively manage their blood sugar levels with this medication. Regarding the constipation you will need to ask your doctor about other contributing medications or undiagnosed conditions. Hypothyroidism can actually cause constipation. Also low fiber intake and dehydration can contribute. You can also consider a trial of probiotics and see if that helps. Metformin should also be taken with B12 vitamin due to risk of B12 deficiency.
Metformin is known to affect bowel motility. It usually causes loose bowel movements, but constipation cannot be excluded since you have made this association. A trial off metformin for a few weeks will serve to clarify if this medication is the cause of your problem. There are alternatives to metformin to control diabetes and avoid bowel issues.
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How long have you had diabetes?