Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

Different symptoms, possible perforation after forging rectal body?

I'd like to have feedback from someone expert, I'll try to be as specific as possible. Before talking about symptoms I have to first introduce an episode: I'm a 24 year old male, when I was like 15-16 I inserted a foreign object in my anus in order to experiment but it ended up being stuck inside. It was an 8-10cm plastic stick, not sharpened wide less than half a cm.

I never had any problems until recently (last 1-2 months) I got worried by some symptoms; it started after I got a shoulder injury, I've changed completely my lifestyle from 70-80% of the day spent training or doing a physical job to 70-80% spent sitting in front of pc. It started with some sort of itching, located in the anal and perianal area, not being painful but quite annoying. It lasted 2 weeks or so with 4-5 days where I experienced also some strange sensations of weight in the perineal zone.

Randomly, it happened (rare, like 2-3 times in 2 months) that I could found some white dry leakage on my underwear after sleep. I also noticed that sometimes my stool has some mucus over it. When the anal itching was there I occasionally noticed also some dark red (blood?) in stool, like little drops.

I also had some minor skin issues in this period like scabs on my head and ears (not annoying but kinda persistent in this last month) and I noticed also excessive sweating or wetness in the anal area sometimes (I noticed this long ago, before the other symptoms). I feel also kinda full, sometimes bloated, ending up farting more often than normal, but this can be due to caloric excess.

Searching for all those stuff made me discover Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, and some symptoms are quite similar while other being completely absent (never experienced pain, no nausea or fever) but the things that worried me was reading that IBD can be caused by perforations, so I'm worried that if this object is there, it could have made some severe troubles.

Am I worrying too much? A situation where rectum or colon is perforated, shouldn't be more severe, like evident bleeding, nausea, and vomit, or it just depends on the stage/zone?

Also to conclude, I'd like to say that while my lifestyle changed a lot, ending up sitting most of my day now, my nutrition was not following, ending up in 2 months of general caloric surplus with 4-5kg of mainly fat mass gained (around 15-16% bf right now), so I considered also the hypothesis it was some sort of consequence of the imposed different lifestyle (but don't know if a 24 yo healthy male should react this way to such a stressor).

Right now the itch on the anal disappeared by 2-3 weeks, sometimes I can still feel this strange weight sensation on the perineum, especially if I sit all time without even taking a walk during the day. I'm occasionally still noticing some mucus on stools, but overall feel kinda normal

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 2 Months
Conditions: Wet Anus, anal itching, weight perineal sensation, skin scabs

2 Answers

Simply see a colon and rectal surgeon.
Since you are experiencing a number of new problems and they seem to be causing you discomfort and anxiety, I think it is appropriate for you to see a Colon and Rectal specialist and have a thorough consultation and evaluation.
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