Pediatrician Questions

Do I have a disease?

Last month I started having lung pain and a difficult time breathing, I can't tell if it's shortness of breath, but it's weird. Sometimes my arms feel weak for a minute, and my right leg will hurt occasionally. I'm so worried.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: one month
Medications: none
Conditions: none that im aware of

2 Answers

You need to tell your parents you don’t feel well and are having a hard time breathing. If it is severe and you cannot even talk and breathe at the same time you need to go the emergency room. If not that severe they can call the doctor in the morning so you can be seen then. Our office always has openings the same day for sick kids as trouble breathing is concerning and needs to be seen right away, if they have no appointments then go the ER.
Most likely anxiety.