“Do I have acute pain & can hydrocodone affect kidney function?”
I had idiopathic systemic avascular necrosis in 1990, resulting in 3 hip replacements 2 in 1992, 1 in 2007, 1 shoulder replacement in 1991 and I have osteoarthritis moderate to severe from head to toe, I have been prescribed 10/325 hydrocodone 3x per day since the late '90s. I haven't abused them and they have afforded me great relief for 12 hours a day ever since. In addition to the medication, I have engaged in hydrotherapeutic exercises since 1992 and tried everything from acupuncture to rf ablation over the years. I know I have chronic pain issues. However, because of the artificial parts ( which only allow a severely restricted range of motion), and the fact my left humeral head remodeled and has bone spurs I can't do much without pain 24/7. Many times when I try to do anything overhead, bend over and try to lift any significant weight, try to hit a golf ball, or just get a cup from the second shelf I get a sharp stabbing pain that goes away once I stop. At night, no matter what I do pain wakes me up from weight bearing on the joints. Isn't this acute pain? Also, over the last few years lab work shows a significant (36% at present), drop in kidney function. One doctor told me no, but my research shows otherwise and there is a lot of content on the issue that asserts long-term hydrocodone use may hurt patients with CKD. Thank you so much.